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目前获得公认有促进毛发生长作用的外用成分是米诺地尔,至于其它一些细胞因子、多肽或中药成分还缺乏有效性证据。 虽然一些物质在体外实验中现实有促进毛发生长的作用,但是就当前而言,无论护发产品吹嘘的多么厉害,但是对于原理还没弄清楚的脱发而言,就说已经有产品可以做到防脱,恐怕就是欺负消费者了 。 泡个脚而已,放那么多料干吗 泡脚本身是一种休闲放松的方式,一天工作下来,泡一泡脚,热水可以促进血液循环,有助于睡眠,这一点没有什么问题,但是希望靠泡脚包治病,把泡脚当成吸物的方式就很玄学了。 皮肤吸收是常见的给药方式之一,但也是吸收效率低的给药方式。 2016年11月19日,北京朝阳区石各庄村,泡脚宣传语:要想不老天天泡脚 但是无论怎样,由于皮肤本身作为人体外侧的屏障,其性质导致大多数药物很难通过皮肤进行摄取,泡脚就图一个舒服,又不是做泡椒凤爪,何必在水中放那么多料。 本文作者系北京大学系统生物医学研究所免疫学在读博士。本文科学性已由中国营养学会会员桑自立、皮肤科博士钟华审核。 [1] schwingshackl l, boeing h, stelmach-mardas m, et al. dietary supplements and risk of cause-specific death, cardiovascular disease, and cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis of primary prevention trials. advances in nutrition (bethesda, md). 2017;8(1):27-39. [2] chen f, du m, blumberg jb, et al. association among dietary supplement use, nutrient intake, and mortality among u.s. adults: a cohort studydietary supplement use, nutrient intake, and mortality among u.s. adults. 2024. [3] liang j., olsen r.w. alcohol use disorders and current pharmacological therapies: the role of gabaareceptors. acta pharmacol. sin. 2014;8:981–993. doi: 10.1038/aps.2014.50. [4] 赵惠娟, 闫慧敏, 郭独一, 路雪艳, & 姜薇. (2016). 饮食与生活习惯对痤疮发病的影响. 中国麻风皮肤病杂志, 32(10). [5] ohara, h. , ichikawa, s. , matsumoto, h. , akiyama, m. , fujimoto, n. , & kobayashi, t. , et al. (2010). collagen-derived dipeptide, proline-hydroxyproline, stimulates cell proliferation and hyaluronic acid synthesis in cultured human dermal fibroblasts. journal of dermatology, 37(4), 330-338. [6] olshansky, s. j.; hayflick, l; carnes, b. a. "position statement on human aging". the journals of gerontology series a: biological sciences and medical sciences. 2002,57 (8): b292–7. [7] larson-meyer de; et al. effect of 6-mo. calorie restriction on biomarkers of longevity, metabolic adaptation and oxidative stress in overweight subjects. obesity (silver spring). 2008,16 (6): 1355–62. [8] brasure m, macdonald r, fuchs e, olson cm, carlyle m, diem s, et al. management of insomnia disorder. comparative effectiveness review 159. (prepared by the minnesota evidence-based practice center under contract 290-2012-00016-i.) ahrq publication no. 15(16)-ehc027-ef. rockville, md: agency for healthcare research and quality; 2015. [9] llemoine p. tali nir t. laudon m. zisapel n.prolonged‐release melatonin improves sleep quality and morning alertness in insomnia patients aged 55 years and older and has no withdrawal effects.journal of sleep research.2007. [10] qaseem a , kansagara d , et al. management of chronic insomnia disorder in adults: a clinical practice guideline from the american college of physicians.annals of internal medicine.2016. [11] 中国医师协会皮肤科医师分会《中国痤疮治疗指南》专家组. (2008). 中国痤疮治疗指南(讨论稿). 临床皮肤科杂志(5), 339-342. [12] 《口服胶原蛋白水解物对皮肤的修复作用》孟萌菲, 李博. 《中国食物与营养》2015, 21(01), 58-61 [13] wypych, t. p. , marsland, b. j. , & ubags, n. . (2017). the impact of diet on immunity and respiratory diseases. ann am thorac soc, 14(supplement_5), s339-s347. @本文经授权转载自微信公众号:浪潮工作室,公众号id:wellestudio163,如需转载请自觉联系原作者。 ▼ 推荐阅读 毕业论文,你把我鲨了吧 福建人为什么这么热衷移民 如何谈一场毕业不分手的恋爱 ▼ 网易新闻浪潮工作室出品 未经授权禁止转载148344095


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